Ok so I'm about 25 days late for a Christmas blog but thought I'd mention I have an awesome Christmas! We ended up getting cond into having it at our place so ended up cooking for 13 ppl. Considering I have never cooked a roast before, lunch was a huge success! The lamb came out just perfectly and the vibe and atmosphere was really festive!
We had decorated the table and wore aprons and reindeer ears! We had Christmas carols playing and everything was just wonderful everyone had a great time!
In the morning the kids enjoyed opening there presents! We decided not to give them to many presents as we want them to understand the true meaning of Christmas! We agreed to 3 presents each! One present from us, one preset from each other and one from santa. Not to mention everything else from everyone else so they had more then enough presents under the tree.
Max was happy to leave some carrots for the reindeer and milk and cookies for santa! We left a note for Max from Santa and half eaten cookies which was cute!
All in all was a great day and cant wait for next year :)
Oh before I forget to mention! We had Santa photos taken and discovered Jayden HATES Santa, makes for a funny photo though screaming his heart out!
Will attach some pics, not many since pain to upload.
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